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The United Way Permanent Supportive Housing Program is funded with the generous support of our community partners, the TD Charitable Foundation.

Our Programs & Services


Education is everything. United Way focuses on cradle-to-career learning that provides a firm foundation at an early age and develops our children into adults who can contribute to their communities. We work with adults to help them complete their education and secure their future. We're about lasting solutions to build opportunity for all.


Good health is both a community responsibility and a community benefit: It goes beyond the individual choices we make. United Way is building safer, more resilient neighborhoods with access to quality healthcare and promoting healthy living. Through our recycling program and community gardening efforts, we envision a cleaner, greener Hudson County.


United Way is dedicated to helping our neediest residents who struggle to get by. We provide a safety net, offering housing, food and shelter. We empower people to get on a stable financial ground with proven methods like job training, financial literacy and tax preparation. We seek vital communities where everyone has more opportunity to succeed.

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